If you like to discover all the secrets about the limoncello production, this is the right tour for you!!!

This lemon liqueur is mainly produced in Southern Italy, especially on the Amalfi Coast & Sorrento Peninsula, it has an alcohol content of 35 percent at the least, and the very best is definitely the one product  from Sorrento lemons peels.

You will visit one of the famous  factory in Sorrento, where you will learn how to make your own limoncello and how is produced.

Finally  you will also have the opportunity to taste the Limoncello with some of the other local  liqueurs such as: Finocchietto( liqueur made using the wild fennel), Fragolino(wild strawberry cream Liqueur),Creamy Lemon Liqueur, and more...

The tour will last about 1 hour and is conducted in English.

For availability and prices please do not hesitate to contact us.

Discover all the secrets on how limoncello is made!!!